The Green Chest of Vallagarina

The Guerrieri Gonzaga Park is one of the largest in Trentino with a surface area of three and a half hectares. Surrounded by high walls that make it hardly visible from the outside, it represents a green treasure chest within the village of Villa Lagarina.
The park of Villa Lagarina still reflects the ancient beauty desired by the founder.
Sigismondo De Moll
The founder was an illustrious statesman interested in botany who, having retired to his property, dedicated himself to the creation of the park with the collaboration of the architects who created the gardens of Schönbrunn in Vienna.
Book your Gourmet Basket
During the visit it is possible to have lunch inside the Park. Book now our gourmet version picnic baskets and prepared with the typical products of our area. Reservations must be made by 12.00 on the day before the visit.

The Belvedere
Attraverso fontane, piccole cascate e lunghi sentieri che portano in cima alle colline si raggiunge la parte alta del parco, accanto alle mura che lo delimitano e proteggono. Il settecentesco Belvedere è affrescato con motivi stilizzati, dal balcone si gode il magnifico paesaggio sottostante.
The Lemon House
It is considered the most northerly in Italy,

The pond and the Ice Cave
The water from the nearby mountain was collected in a lake by a waterfall, from which a network of gullies that could be opened at strategic points radiated out to spray the entire park effectively and quickly. Ice was taken from the lake to be stored in the ice house in the grotto, which still opens today among the lush vegetation.
The Essences
“Sigismund de Moll had paid attention to the different natural environments by planting plants from distant countries, particularly North America”.
Black walnut, horse chestnuts, yews, plane trees, firs and pines.

“Ars Topiaria”
Arboreal boxwoods, both the most common species and the rarer ones such as the Balearic boxwood.
“Exotic Plants”
Himalayan bete, Japanese cryptomeria, Oriental ginkgo biloba liquidambar
“The Great Plane Tree”
Imposing about 50 metres high, with a trunk circumference of over 6 and a crown diameter of 46.
Contact information
• Tel: +39 0464 351176
• Email: [email protected]
• Via Garibaldi, Villa Lagarina, TN